Surf tips for beginners and intermediate surfers in Perth


Go Surf, No Surf : Where are the Sand Banks?

OLD POST we are now back in action and in the water for lessons:)


Why does this happen?

Over the summer months (October โ€“ February) we have lovely waves breaking on well formed sandbanks. These sandbanks are created by large winter storms (April - October) and then remain in place for most of our summer period (November - March).

What we are experiencing at the moment is very difficult surfing conditions. The sandbanks that have lasted most of the summer period have now disappeared. This means that the waves arriving on our shores do not have anything to break onโ€ฆ.. So they end up breaking right on the shore. The problem this poses is that it makes it impossible to catch any waves. The only thing that will change the formation of sandbanks is a big cold front (storm), the first of which, usually donโ€™t arrive until the end of April.

How Does this happen you ask?

After some research, I found this little clip explaining how sandbanks are formed and then disappear again.

The first half of the video (0.00 sec - 0.26 sec) shows how sandbanks are formed over the winter period. Big waves combined with strong winds erode the beach, drawing sand out into the water to form sandbanks that we surf on. The second half of the video (0.27 sec - 0.49 sec) shows the regression of the sandbanks which happens slowly over the summer months.

What does BRIGHTON BEACH, SCARBOROUGH look like now?

I have made a short little video to show you what Brighton beach, Scarborough look like at the moment (and will continue to look like until we have our first winter storms).

not an easy decision

As a small business we genuinely care about your safety and enjoyment in every lesson. Furthermore, we want to be able to teach you to surf on waves where you have some time to actually enjoy the rideโ€ฆ.. rather than just paddling around in circles.

Because of everything mentioned above, we have made the very difficult decision to put all lessons on HOLD until further notice. We will be sure to update everyone as soon as the sand returns to Brighton Beach, Scarborough.

5 Myths about learning to surf debunked

5 Myths about learning to surf debunked

5 Myths about learning to surf debunked: Book a surf school in Perth with Go Surf and discover for yourself whether or not the following beliefs about surfing really are legit.

6 Awesome tips for beginner surfers

Become a better surfer in a shorter amount of time with these handy tips, complied by the team at everyoneโ€™s favourite surf school in Perth.

Our playground at Perth Go Surf. The surf school in Perth that has it all!

Our playground at Perth Go Surf. The surf school in Perth that has it all!

Surfing is the great equaliser. It doesnโ€™t matter who you are, what type of car you drive or where

youโ€™re from, everyone who enters the water for their first surf session is on exactly the same level.

That being said, if youโ€™re serious about learning to surf, there are a few things thatโ€™ll give your dream

of becoming the next Kelly Slater or Stephanie Gilmore a serious head start. You wonโ€™t even need to

shave your dome.

Check them out below and as always, get in touch with our surf school in Perth if youโ€™d like to book a

session this season.

Learn with an experienced instructor

Our best advice for beginner surfers is to learn the basics with an experienced instructor. At our surf

school in Perth, we have decades of knowledge that we can share with you. Not only will our

guidance make you a better surfer, you can also learn in a safe and supportive environment.

Something that is essential if you ever want to learn to surf properly.

Embrace the wipeout

Worried about wiping out? Donโ€™t be. Literally everyone has a few falls when theyโ€™re learning to surf.

Itโ€™s pretty much inevitable. The best thing you can do is to embrace the wipeout and accept it as part

of the learning process. So instead of freaking out or getting frustrated, try telling yourself that every

slip or tumble takes you one step closer to standing up. And if all else fails, remember that youโ€™re only

falling into water anyway.

You canโ€™t say you have been to a surf school in Perth without having wiped out at least once :)

You canโ€™t say you have been to a surf school in Perth without having wiped out at least once :)

Book multiple sessions

One session at our surf school in Perth is more than enough time for most people to get a hang of the

fundamentals. For those of you who are eager to up your skills and start moving onto more

challenging waves though, we suggest booking multiple sessions. By doing so you can focus on

improving your technique with each surf, thereby accelerating the learning process.

Keep those knees bent

One of the keys to surfing is maintaining your balance. Without a good sense of balance, youโ€™ll end up

spending more time being dumped than on your board. By bending your knees while at the same time

keeping your head centred over your body though, youโ€™ll improve your centre of gravity and therefore

improve your balance. Vastly increasing your chances of riding a wave to completion in the process.

Bring a friend to learn with

Everything is better when you can share it with a friend, and a session at our surf school in Perth is no

different. You can learn an exciting new skill together, call each other into waves and make some

memories thatโ€™ll last a lifetime. To the point we reckon youโ€™ll both be swapping stories about how

great your surf lesson was for years to come.

Dawn patrol surf check before joining Go Surfโ€™s surf lessons in Perth

Dawn patrol surf check before joining Go Surfโ€™s surf lessons in Perth

Donโ€™t forget to have fun

Last but not least, donโ€™t forget to have fun. Itโ€™s the reason why the team at our surf school in Perth do

what they do and one of the best things about surfing in general. Thereโ€™s no expectations and itโ€™s

impossible not to be a good mood when youโ€™re in such a beautiful location. So smile, laugh and enjoy

learning to surf with Go Surf today.

What to expect when booking a surf lesson in Perth with Go Surf

What to expect when booking a surf lesson in Perth with Go Surf

Thinking about booking a surf lesson in Perth but arenโ€™t quite sure what to expect? Then check out the following guide to get an idea of what Go Surf Perth is all about.