Book a surf school in Perth with Go Surf and discover for yourself whether or not the following beliefs about surfing really are legit.
Go on…just get out there the ocean awaits you
Often when you tell your friends, family, colleagues or your Uber driver that you intend on learning to surf, you’ll be met with some pretty far out replies, such as:
Isn’t learning to surf almost impossible if you’ve never done it before?
Doesn’t a surf instructor’s main job entail picking up dudes/chicks during their lessons?
Why are you telling me about this? I’m just your Uber driver
Of course, we’ve heard all of these ones before and plenty more just like them. What they do though is highlight the fact that there are a lot of different myths floating around about the learn to surf experience and surfing in general.
The truth about booking a surf school in Perth and learning to ride a wave for the very first time, however, is that only those who give it a go truly know what it’s like. If you want to hear what we have to say about a few other myths though, read on below.
Learning to surf is a young man/woman’s pursuit
Honestly, it doesn’t matter what age you are. Literally anyone can book a surf school in Perth with us and try their hand at learning the basics. Young or old, it makes no difference to us. All we ask is that you bring a positive mindset. From there it’s just a matter of trying until you succeed. Who knows? You might even stand up before any of the grommets get to their feet.
It’s difficult to learn to surf if you’ve never tried it before
Learning to surf in Perth could never be easier. Just choose Perth Go Surf ;)
Sure, surfing can be difficult to learn if you’ve never stood up on a board before. But show us one sport or activity that isn’t. Seriously, just about every pursuit in life that’s actually worth trying starts off seeming hard if you’re a newcomer. What we do is show you that surfing is never as difficult as people think by breaking down the fundamentals step by step.
You have to be in peak physical condition to learn to surf
Being fit definitely helps, no doubt about it. However, we’ve coached thousands of people over the years of all shapes and sizes. And one thing we’ve learned is that attitude trumps everything. Turn up and make a promise to yourself that you’ll never give up and we’ll supply all the help you need to get to your feet. From there it’s just a matter of time before you’re up and riding… regardless of your physical condition.
Surf instructors don’t need any qualifications to coach
All Go Surf staff are fully qualifies with years of surfing experience…and big smiles too :)
Once upon time this would have been true. These days though, the learn to surf industry is probably one of the most regulated industries around the world. Of course, this makes sense when you think about it. We’re up against mother nature and we often take people who don’t have a lot of ocean experience. With our Academy of Surfing and Beach Lifesaving accreditations though, you can rest assured our team is fully qualified and capable of handling situations that arise.
Learning to surf is only something you do when you’re on holidays
Learning to surf is definitely a popular activity for people on holidays. But it’s also a great thing to do if you and your friends want to try something different or you’re a business owner looking for a team bonding experience that’s a little bit unique. Our advice? Booking a surf school in Perth or anywhere for that matter doesn’t have to be restricted to the holidays. In fact, it’s actually awesome to try if you want to break up your work week or as a weekend treat for your kids. Essentially, as long as there’s swell, you can learn to surf.