Surfing fitness

Surfing fitness

The summer comes closer, and so is the desire of getting back onto your surfboard and into the water. Of course, the best way to gain surf specific fitness is to go surfing. But over the winter months temperatures can put you off or waves can be too big. As a result surf specific fitness gets lost. 

This is why we put together a 6 week plan to get you back in shape and ready to go when summer is knocking on your door. 

What are the benefits of surfing for kids?

What are the benefits of surfing for kids?

Are you thinking about taking your kids surfing and to introduce them to the wonderful world of wave riding?

If your answer is yes, there would be many questions popping into your head. For example “What age is appropriate to start surfing?” or “How do I make sure that my child is safe?”. In this article we will try to fill in the blank space.

Where to surf in Perth

Where to surf in Perth

Perth’s beaches are undoubtedly some of the most spectacular ones you will find anywhere around the world. It’s not often however, that Perth is known as a ‘go to’ surfing destination. As a Perth surfer born and bred, I’m willing to share a few tips on where to find surf in Perth.

How are waves formed?

How are waves formed?

Did you ever wonder where the waves that we surf come from?
As Surfers we are not just athletes but also meteorologists and oceanographers. We have to develop a broad understanding of the ocean itself and the factors that influence it. Read on to find out how waves are formed...