Does Perth have good beginner beaches?

Does Perth have good beginner beaches?

You've probably heard that Western Australia is paradise on earth for skilled surfers, but is it also great for punters just starting their learn-to-surf journey?

Absolutely! Perth is a veritable haven for beginner surfers, offering a multitude of beaches that are perfect for those who are just dipping their toes into the thrilling world of surfing. Read on to find out more!

Top beginner surfboard types / Which one is right for me?

Top beginner surfboard types / Which one is right for me?

Ready to buy your very first surfboard but aren't quite sure which beginner surfboard type is right for you? 

It's a common conundrum. To ensure you don't waste your money on a board that sets you back instead of accelerating your surfing, we've put together this handy guide. Let's get into it!